Ritzefeld-Gymnasium Stolberg, Germany

The Ritzefeld-Grammar School is situated in the centre of the so called “copper city” Stolberg – 57000 inhabitants – close to Aachen and the border triangle Germany-Belgium-The Netherlands. The school usually has three classes per grade level and comprises grades 5 to 13 finishing with the A-level exams (Abitur). There are about 700 students and 50 teachers at our school, which is a stately co-educational all-day school. It was founded in 1880 by the cleric Roland Ritzefeld after he had been speaking up for higher education for girls for years. Even today the utmost concern of the Ritzefeld- Grammar School is to promote and encourage the individual strengths of girls and boys independent from their family background or their religious denomination. Based on a thorough and wide variety of knowledge- and method transfer as well as an encouragement of creative powers the school has gained a reputation in mathematics and natural sciences as well as in the fields of culture and music within the last few years. 

It is our aim to prepare the students for “tomorrow’s world”. To acquaint them with forward-looking technologies is self-speaking, but even more important is it to equip them with emotional and intellectual skills to deal with the modern technologies critically.

The subjects taught at our school cover the mandatory fields of the national German curriculum: mathematics, natural sciences, modern languages, social sciences, arts, music, physical education, philosophy and religious education.

In addition to the mandatory subjects our school offers a vast variety of extra-curricular activities in the afternoons. There are also significant international project co-operations and student exchanges with e.g. external companies, historical sites as well as with other European schools.