Since we as a school are subject to strict data protection regulations and also wish to adhere to them, we are unfortunately unable to make any comments public at this point. However, if you would like to leave a comment in our guestbook, you are welcome to do so by sending an email to one of the contacts listed here.
We welcome constructive feedback on the project, the topics covered or the implementation of the project.
Many thanks.
Ritzefeld-Gymnasium Stolberg Ritzefeldstr. 59, 52222 Stolberg, Germany Homepage: Contact person: Dr. R. Ostrowski | |
Jelgavas 4.vidusskola Akmeņu 1, Jelgava, LV3004 Latvia Homepage: Contact person: Mrs. I. Balode | |
ISTITUTO COMPRENSIVO MODUGNO GALILEI VIA EUROPA LIBERA 3, 70043 MONOPOLI, Italy Homepage: Contact person: Mrs. F. Tournier | |
Strinda Upper Secondary School Erling Skakkes gate 14, 7013 Trondheim, Norway Homepage: Contact person: Mr. M. Mcdonagh | |
1st High School of Kissamos Ηρώων Πολυτεχνείου 53, 73400 Κίσσαμος, Greece Homepage: Contact person: Mrs. A. Kouroupi | |
IES FEDERICO MAYOR ZARAGOZA CAMINO DEL SILO Nº4, 41012 SEVILLA, Spain Homepage: Contact person: Mrs. A. Ortiz Cantos |