The Istituto Comprensivo ‘Modugno-Galilei’ is a comprehensive school in the centre of Monopoli, a town in the province of Bari in Apulia, Italy. With about 1020 pupils attending (200 teachers), it includes 3 complexes of kindergarten, a primary school (6-10 year old students) and a junior high school (11-14 years), which offers regular and musical courses. Students can choose among 8 different instruments (cello, piano, guitar, flute, violin, clarinet, accordion, trumpet), lessons take place in the afternoon. The school is provided with an orchestra and a choir including students from different ages. All students learn English having the possibility to pass exams for Trinity and Cambridge certifications, and can choose between French and Spanish as second foreign language.
We attended in two Comenius projects and one eTwinning project. For three years we took part in the project “Educhange”, the hosting of young volunteers from Russia, Georgia, Pakistan, Greece and Ukraine, gave our students an extraordinary cultural opportunity. Many extra-curricular activities are based on acting, science, art (atelier), and computer technology. We have won prizes, also at national level, for art, music and especially for the plays. We are an ITC school, using it in the daily methodology in each class and having a computer class, too.
With this project the school will have a more chance to develop these skills of the students, learning to use new technological tools and the teachers will compare and extend their ITC knowledges and teaching methodologies, too. Our school is also engaged in the integration of students with special needs following a special programme and followed by specialized teachers.
Since some years we have also courses for immigrant students, e.g. from China and Albania, which are well included in the school community. This variety of activities, our experience of cultural exchanges with other countries and the musical courses allow the school to face the different parts of the project. In fact the school has just started a school project about the serious problems of our planet called “Unique Planet”, because we feel the necessity to help our students to become aware of what is happening to our planet and of the effects of the pollution on the nature around them. In this way they will be able to make the difference for their future. They can be the ambassadors of this message using different tools but especially using music as universal language. Sharing this experience with students of different parts of Europe will make them feel more European citizens being part of all, respecting themselves, the others and the world. This project will have a positive impact on the students, their families and friends.
Our Erasmus team consists of coordinator Tournier Francesca, Russo Domenico (Maths and Science), Giuseppe Francolino (ICT), Pavone Mariella (English), Gianna Mongelli (music), Giovanni Lenoci (instruments, member of headteacher staff).